Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Event Rules - Foosball

Foosball will be contested as a tournament that follows the Basic Tournament Structure of the BGO.

Individual games will be played to 7 goals.

The BGO will use simplified rules described below:

  1. Coin flip determines who serves first.
  2. Serve the ball through the hole any way you want. After a goal, the player scored upon serves the ball. Balls that leave the playing serve are reserved by the player that started the point.
  3. After the serve, the ball must touch at least one player. After that, any ball that goes in the goal is a score, no matter who hit it.
  4. No spinning the rods.
  5. Dead balls are tapped (by hand) to the nearest defensive player.
  6. Balls can be passed from any player to any player and goals may be scored from any position.